What platforms will the game be released on?
We are currently focusing on bringing the game out on Windows. Other platforms are possible later.
When will the game be released?
We are still early in the development and we don’t want to lock ourselves to a release date yet.
What are the classes/races/skills?
We are still trying out various ideas and currently it looks like the system will be classless and you can develop your characters into the direction of your choice. New abilities can be purchased with XP.
What can you tell about the tactical battle system?
Battles are fought on a two-dimensional grid and creatures can vary in size from one square to huge multi-square bosses. The battle system is tactical and turn-based so you have plenty of time to think through your options. Managing spells and other resources wisely is the key to winning battles.
How many playable characters will there be?
You start the game with the three main characters Leonhard, Aava and Oiko. More playable characters will join the party as the story progresses.
Will there be puzzles?
Will there be multiplayer?
Druidstone is a single player game.
What inspired you to make this game?
Most modern computer RPGs today have dropped the grid and have a semi-realtime battle system, which we think reduces the tactical aspect of combat. Instead we harken back to golden days of RPGs with grids and turn-based combat. We look for inspiration in several games such as Pool of Radiance and the other Gold Box games, roguelikes, XCOM, FTL, Ultima series, Final Fantasy games and tactical board games.
What happened to Almost Human?
Druidstone is developed by Ctrl Alt Ninja, who share many people from Almost Human. Almost Human is still alive but no new games are currently being developed. It is possible that Almost Human returns with another game some day, but meanwhile the Ctrl Alt Ninja team is fully focused on Druidstone. Technically we are a different studio (the ownership and structure of the companies are different). Think of us like members of a band who enjoy this so much that we have a dual membership in another band.
What can I do to help?
Glad you asked! Please spread the word about Druidstone. You could start by telling your friends on Facebook, Twitter and gaming forums. We are a small team and we don’t have any marketing people, so any help is much appreciated! Thank you!